Looking for an easy, long stretch to run your oceanfront miles? This is the one for you. Kick off your run on the boardwalk at South Mission Beach Jetty and carry on north for three full miles to wrap up at the grassy bluff overlooking the waves at Law Street and Ocean Boulevard. Along the way you’ll see beach volleyball, surfer crossings, bird scooters chirping, and no shortage of catcalling. The boardwalk path is a flat dash, and wide enough for runners to pass bikers, bladers, and skaters galore. Keep an eye out for the renowned Slo Mo – the well-known elderly gentleman who rollerblades the boardwalk daily, donning a blue tank top and bucket hat. The boardwalk is great if paved sprint-work is on your agenda, as long as you hit the pavement in the early morning hours. If running this route anytime after 10AM, be ready for entertainment with noteworthy characters… this is your typical boardwalk scene: full of personality and lacking no inhibitions.
Difficulty: 2
Destination: 9
Distance: 3 miles
Restrooms: public restrooms located at Pacific Beach Drive (2.5 miles north of South Mission Jetty) Grand Avenue (3.0 miles) and Law Street Beach
Parking: South Mission Beach Jetty lot, or street parking in residential neighborhoods near Law Street in Pacific Beach